May 2022

LEGO Games

Industry insights
Product development framework
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LEGO Games


Can gaming help kids develop in a fun and safe way?

LEGO Games wants to offer a safe gameplay environment kids love. However, without a clear framework for healthy gaming, they can’t be sure that developers will support this mission. We created one by defining healthy game design and delivering an action plan to implement it across titles.

Our recommendations now anchor LEGO Games’ Responsible Gaming Framework, a governance tool that ensures developers making LEGO games or games with LEGO IPs live up to the brand’s standards.

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We created an easy-to-use framework

We created an easy-to-use framework

To define healthy game design, we audited prevailing views and data around modern game design. And we analyzed competitors to identify best practices and what to avoid.

Then we added an SEL layer. If LEGO Games is going to help players thrive, their content must equip kids with the tools they need to understand and manage their emotions and behaviors during gameplay.

This new definition of healthy game design sits at the center of an easy-to-use framework we created for developers. It steers them toward healthy design loops that facilitate emotional regulation, for example. And it discourages dark design loops that trigger negativity, aggression, and obsessive behaviors.

This framework should help developers more reliably design fun and safe LEGO Games experiences.

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